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Downloads for your safety
In order to reduce the amount of paper we give out in church, which obviously increases the risk of Covid-19 transmission, we are asking if you have a printer to print your service sheet and QR code at home and bring with you to the services. If you would rather not do this, or do not have a printer at home, please do not worry.  We will give you the order of service when you arrive and the Test and Trace form/ QR code if you have the NHS Covid-19 app. 
It would be especially helpful if you can bring your own pen to church whether that be to sign the Test and Trace form or if you access the church via the vestry and sign in there.
Please do not worry unduly. We do clean the church regularly but this is just one further preventative measure we can put in place.
Service sheets and Test and Trace forms will no longer be given out at the door as this encourages people to gather close to each other. Instead please take your seats and the service sheets and pens  (if you do not have them) will be brought to you in due course. Please leave these on the seats when you leave.
People arrive in a staggered way so this is fine. Leaving the church will also be done this way from now on with one section leaving at a time to prevent a whole group of people leaving at the same time. 
Here are the forms you may wish to download. 
NB The Sunday sheets are for this Sunday only. Please come back next week for the Christmas season versions.
Sunday 8am Book of Common Prayer
Sunday 8am Book of Common Prayer PDF version
Sunday 9.30am and 2.30pm Daily Prayer
Sunday 9.30am and 2.30pm Daily Prayer PDF version
Thursday morning 10am
Thursday morning PDF version
QR code for those with the NHS Covid-19 App (Only scan when at All Saints please)
QR code for those with the NHS Covid-19 App (Only scan when at All Saints please) - PDF version
Please remember to check back for Christmas versions next week
Those who have booked for carol services, christingle services, and midnight service will reeive their copies by email.
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