Cursillo at All Saints Whitstable
In the Diocese of Canterbury

Revd Simon Tillotson, Team Vicar of All Saints Whitstable, writes:
The Cursillo community in the Anglican Diocese of Canterbury is made up of Christians from this Diocese, the Diocese of Rochester, and beyond. All the community members have experienced a ‘Cursillo weekend’.
As the Diocesan Spiritual Director I work alongside the Lay Director Lin Connor who heads up Cursillo for the Diocese, as Cursillo is principally a lay led movement, and our committee, known as the Secretariat.
I first came across Cursillo when I was vicar of Aylesford in the Diocese of Rochester. I noticed how energised and full of love the Cursillistas I encountered were and what a great impact they were having in their local church. As the Diocese seeks to reach its three Bold Outcomes we need energised laity to assist in this and Cursillo is I believe one of the tools in God’s toolbox that can help lead congregations into renewal and growth. Clergy oversight in each parish is vital to this work. Involvement in Cursillo also helps give new life to clergy too! I speak from experience!
Cursillo weekends have been happening in the Diocese of Canterbury since 1990 with the full support of the bishops and clergy. Many Christians, who have themselves experienced the weekend have felt empowered to take a more active roles in the life of their own church. Some have felt called to ordained or reader ministry, and nearly all have felt the need to strengthen and deepen their understanding of God’s will and plan for them.
It was Revd Christopher Lewis, vicar of All Saints in the 1980s and early 1990s, who was a foundational person in bringing Cursillo to the Diocese of Canterbury. As a result, many present and former members of All Saints have been on a Cursillo weekend and are therefore known as "Cursillistas".
There is a small group of us at All Saints at the moment who are trying to encourage some of our newer members of the congregation to consider coming on a weekend.
It is very important to note that Cursillo is not for everyone. Some may be too new to the faith for it to be the next step. Others may find the course very demanding as the days are long and the pace of the weekend which runs for 72 hours from a Thursady late afternoon to a Sunday late afternoon too demanding.
However, it is important that Cursillo is made known to our congregation and that people seriously consider coming on the course. Have a word with me if you think you may be interested as a first port of call. My phone number is 07833 448287 and my email address is simon@teamvicar.org.
Thank you for reading this
Rev SImon Tillotson
Photo below Lin Connor (left) - Lay Director of Canterbury Cursillo,
Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin (centre)
Rev Simon Tillotson (right) - Spiritual Director of Canterbury Cursillo