We warmly welcome you to All Saints Whitstable's website.
Do come to one of our services or come along to one of our events or groups. You will be assured of a very warm welcome.
Or spend some time exploring this website. God bless you!
Revd Simon Tillotson
You are welcome here

You are welcome here . . .
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey
If you are young or old
If you have brown skin, black skin, white skin, or any colour of skin
If you are married or single
If you are gay or straight
If you are transgender
If you are a man or a woman

If you cannot hear or see
If you are sick or well
If you are happy or sad
If you are rich or poor, powerful or weak
If you believe in God some of the time or none of the time or all of the time.
You are welcome here
Come with your gifts, your pain, your hope, your fears
Come with the traditions that have helped you and hurt you
Come with your experiences that have made you and broken you
Come with a mind, ready to engage, and a heart, open to discern
Come and listen for the Sacred Spirit that calls you to love your neighbour wholeheartedly, seek justice, create peace and practice compassion
You are welcome here